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Hormone Therapy For Women

Dr. Hummel's Hormone Treatment Process

Dr. Hummel will order a customized panel of your hormones and metabolism markers and will review your result. At your consultation, after obtaining your medical history and symptom log, Dr Hummel can make treatment recommendations to help alleviate your symptoms, improve your metabolism, and optimize your hormones safely.

Pre-Menopause | Menopause

Women in their mid-thirties and forties can suffer from Pre-Menopause and in their fifties and beyond can suffer from Menopause. This causes certain hormones like estrogen, progesterone, thyroid hormones and even testosterone decline. Many physicians misdiagnose hormone deficiency related symptoms or lack sufficient experience with hormone replacement treatment programs to find appropriate solutions tailored to each patient.

As women age, hormone levels naturally decrease, causing the symptoms associated with menopause and affecting many other areas of the body and mind. Many women also experience an increase in abdominal fat due to a loss of estrogen. Experiencing loss of mental sharpness, endurance, libido, emotional well-being, physical health, or defenses against illness is normal, there are treatment programs that can prevent or reduce these symptoms.



Estrogen is a hormone made primarily in the ovaries. The three major estrogens are estradiol, estriol and estrone. Of the three, estradiol is the most physiologically and biologically active. Estrogen is not simply a sex hormone, but a total body hormone. Estrogen receptor sites are found in the bladder, bones, arteries, vagina, heart, liver and the brain. Without adequate levels of estrogen, these organs cannot function properly.

When dealing with female sex hormones, the balance amongst them often is more important than the actual levels. This is true of the ratio of estrogen to progesterone, as well as estrogen to testosterone. In females, as the progesterone to estrogen ratio decreases, it creates estrogen dominance and subsequently an increased risk of breast cancer. Estrogen and progesterone act in tandem to control cell growth for normal function.

Estrogens do many things, including increasing cell proliferation, improving neural connections in the brain, and controlling insulin levels. As total estrogen levels decrease, insulin resistance and insulin levels begin to rise. Progesterone decreases the number of receptor sites for both hormones, decreases insulin resistance and promotes new bone growth (estrogen only slows bone loss). Studies show that estrogen alone causes tissue growth in the uterus that can lead to cancer; however, when replaced in conjunction with natural progesterone, the risk is reduced or eliminated.

Bio-identical estrogens have the same molecular structure as the estrogens found in the human female. These natural plant estrogens are altered so that they have the same bioidentical structure as the estrogens found naturally in the female body.

Combining the benefits of bio-identical estrogen and progesterone replacement provide many of the benefits without the risks.

Together they can improve or prevent osteoporosis, improve mood and mental status, and improve sexual function and libido.


Progesterone, primarily a female hormone but also found in males in small amounts, is made in the ovaries, the adrenal glands, and in the placenta during pregnancy. It is one of the major regulatory hormones. Like estrogen, progesterone levels decline with age. Female progesterone levels drop drastically at menopause. Progesterone helps estrogen levels remain within a therapeutic range and therefore, can protect against endometrial cancer of the uterus.

When dealing with female sex hormones, the balance amongst them often is more important than the actual levels. This is true of the ratio of estrogen to progesterone, as well as estrogen to testosterone. In females, a higher ratio of testosterone to estrogen is indicative of an increased risk of heart disease (the opposite is true in males). In females, as the progesterone to estrogen ratio decreases, it creates estrogen dominance and subsequently an increased risk of breast cancer. Estrogen and progesterone act in tandem to control cell growth for normal function.

Bio-identical estrogens have the same molecular structure as the estrogens found in the human female. These natural plant estrogens are altered so that they have the same bio-identical structure as the estrogens found in human females. Unlike many FDA- approved estrogen medications, natural bio identical soy-derived estrogens are safe, effective.

Combining the benefits of bio-identical estrogen and progesterone replacement provide many of the benefits without the risks. Together they can improve or prevent osteoporosis, improve mood and mental status, improve sexual function or libido.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT) is the use of supplemental doses of hormones that have a chemical structure identical to the hormones that the human body naturally produces. The goal is to balance the hormones to an optimal and safe level to improve metabolic function and promote healthy aging. They are used for their cost-effectiveness and efficacy. Dr Hummel will evaluate and monitor your laboratories routinely to achieve and maintain the best levels for your body.

Bio-identical hormones are available as creams, suppositories, pills, injections, or infusions and include testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, hCG, hGH boosters, thyroid, lipotropics, NAD+.

Most of the research on testosterone replacement has focused on men. Nevertheless, healthy women naturally have small amounts of testosterone. Testosterone levels tend to peak when a woman is ovulating, increasing libido for reproduction. It also appears to enhance the function of estrogen and progesterone. Women who replace progesterone without testosterone often require slightly greater doses of progesterone. Testosterone may also improve various symptoms of menopause including ‘hot flashes,” weight gain, Fatigue, lethargy and may decrease the risk of breast cancer.

Researchers report that women who receive testosterone replacement therapy after menopause experience an increase in sexual drive and response, frequency of sexual intercourse, number of sexual fantasies, and level of sexual arousal. Testosterone contributes to overall muscle tone. Prior to menopause, many women experience the embarrassment of a leaky bladder. This problem may be related to diminishing testosterone levels, because the pelvic muscles are particularly dependent ontestosterone. Many women find that testosterone replacement, combined with Kegel exercises, strengthens and tones those muscles. Recent research suggests that testosterone may increase the bone’s ability to retain calcium. Women who experience very rapid bone loss are typically deficient in both estrogen and testosterone. It appears that both testosterone and estrogen independently improve bone density.

Your doctor will help you determine the best form of administering testosterone replacement. Your physician will monitor blood levels every few months until dosages are adjusted to achieve optimal levels and outcomes.

Vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) is thinning, drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls due to your body having less estrogen. Simple, effective treatments for vaginal atrophy and its urinary symptoms are available.

For many women, vaginal atrophy not only makes intercourse painful, but also leads to distressing urinary symptoms. Simple, effective treatments for vaginal atrophy and its urinary symptoms are available. Reduced estrogen levels result in changes to your body, but it doesn’t mean you have to live with the discomfort.

With moderate to severe genitourinary syndrome, you may experience the following vaginal and urinary signs and symptoms:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Vaginal burning
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Genital itching
  • Burning with urination
  • Urgency with urination
  • More urinary tract infections
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Light bleeding after intercourse
  • Discomfort with intercourse
  • Decreased vaginal lubrication during sexual activity
  • Shortening and tightening of the vaginal canal

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