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Men's Aesthetics

Our Strategies

Most men enter the world of aesthetics in one of these ways:

  • Botox – Botox gives men a cutting edge in the competitive workplace by creating a youthful appearance through softening wrinkles around the eyes or forehead.
  • Filler – A Voluma dermal filler to create a more dominant chin appearance or a small amount of dermal filler like Restylane under their eyes to reduce that sunken appearance.
  • Kybella – Kybella creates a more chiseled chin and jawline, which is another masculine identifier. Most men prefer prefer a strong and defined neckline over a double chin.
TREATMENT AREAS Chin Jawline Eyes Brows/frown lines Forehead lines Palms (excessively sweaty palms) Underarms (excessive sweat) WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Injecting Botox in a man is different than a female because: Most males require more Botox to relax stronger facial muscles. A masculine brow is a low, flat brow. Using Botox to prevent a highly arched, female brow is important. RESULTS Results for Botox begin to be noticeable in a few days but can take up to a week for full effect. Results typically last 3-4 months. RECOVERY Botox procedures generally last around 15 minutes, and no anesthesia is required. You can get back to your routine immediately. Other treatments that appeal to men: Kybella is the newest and most up-and-coming way to enter the aesthetics world, and it’s one of the few that has lasting results. It actually dissolves the fat and disables those cells from ever storing or accumulating fat again, so further treatment isn’t needed once the goal is achieved. Typically, 3-4 treatment sessions of Kybella are required, 4-8 weeks apart. The best candidate is someone who is less than 50 years of age and has good skin elasticity. Once the fat is destroyed, it will not come back into the treated area again, so it lasts a lifetime.

Our Process

Mauris nisl tellus, tincidunt sed nibh vitae, sodales tincidunt lacus. Cras venenatis odio interdum mi aliquam, at scelerisque ex hendrerit. Nunc consectetur id dui sed convallis. Integer gravida condimentum molestie.


Donec eu nisl nec mauris sollicitudin pharetra vel nec neque. Etiam commodo et purus nec accumsan. Vivamus purus arcu, varius in nibh dapibus, luctus interdum eros.

More Process

Suspendisse vel justo in quam accumsan ullamcorper eget sed ex. Sed eu nisi vel odio porta ullamcorper et ac diam. Nam vel nisi, sit amet tempus.

Final Process

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincid unt ut laoreet magna aliquam erat volutpat.


Cras est quam, sodales eget maximus non, bibendum et quam. Aliquam eu ultrices arcu, in cursus ex. Nam interdum massa eu diam aliquam, quis aliquam risus gravida. Nulla facilisi. Fusce sodales, mauris mattis pellentesque aliquam, turpis elit faucibus erat, eu venenatis leo libero nec lorem. In faucibus, nisi et imperdiet iaculis, magna mauris ornare sem, quis condimentum odio turpis in arcu. Aliquam ac facilisis velit. In iaculis quam ut sapien tincidunt, et lobortis metus convallis. Nulla pharetra blandit odio, vel vehicula arcu vehicula ut. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec pharetra sapien augue, id eleifend nulla tempus at. Fusce sit amet arcu quis quam suscipit gravida at ut ante. Proin id lectus sed lorem pretium bibendum gravida luctus ante. Donec et justo libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam congue enim dui, imperdiet sodales tortor placerat sit amet.

Integer porttitor lorem id maximus fermentum. Praesent vitae lorem ac ipsum blandit pulvinar at eget turpis. Sed a tincidunt dui. Aenean suscipit nisl vel lacus interdum malesuada. Phasellus in ullamcorper neque. Maecenas nec pharetra arcu. Nullam interdum libero et congue lacinia. Suspendisse ac nisi diam. Sed eget ipsum sapien. Nulla porttitor libero ac metus consectetur luctus. Vivamus hendrerit erat neque, et rhoncus quam lobortis ultrices. Duis eu risus efficitur, sollicitudin tortor at, venenatis orci. Aliquam eget purus eget velit blandit auctor in vel ligula.

Men's Aesthetics

Skincare Products

The SkinBetter team of aesthetic experts developed Restylane dermal filler and Dysport neurotoxin®. They have a profound understanding of skin aging and defying the effects of time.

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